Cars & Coffee Aliso Viejo 1.16.16

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Last week I attended the OC Fairgrounds version of Cars & Coffee and honestly, I was pretty disappointed by the turnout having gotten used to the insanity that the Irvine meet turned into.  Luckily the Aliso Viejo version of the meet seems to be where the majority of the attendance has shifted to so I had plenty to drool over and snap shots of! Continue reading

1.2.16 Cars and Coffee, O.C. Fairgrounds

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It’s been months since I attended the my last Cars & Coffee meetup, turns out a semester’s worth of design classes doesn’t afford waking up at 5AM every Saturday morning! I finally have some respite this winter break, so what better way to start off the new year than with the car meet that I began everything with? This was my first time at the Fairgrounds version of the meet, and it looks like I chose the less popular meet to attend that day! Continue reading